About our Inclusive Church | Unitarian Chapel, Altrincham
Hello from Reverend Danny Crosby

Hi, I’m Rev. Danny Crosby, minister here at Dunham Road Unitarian Chapel in Altrincham.
My ministerial mantra is come as you are, exactly as you are, but do not expect to leave in exactly the same condition. There is no expectation of belief or disbelief on those who wish to join with us. All we ask is that you come with an open heart, mind, spirit and soul; that you join with us in the spirit of freedom and responsibility, with love and acceptance of those who might experience life differently and, of course, be open to new insights.
Rev. Danny Crosby
About our minister
- Minister of Dunham Road since 2010
- First minister in Trafford and Cheshire to conduct a same sex wedding ceremony
- Began his journey into ministry in response to a personal tragedy – a reason why grief work is central to his ministry
- Made a Freeman of Altrincham in 2017 in recognition of his service to the community
- Writes a regular blog and has a YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYKyTIj6wcMggWTGelLGlxw
- Also see Uk Unitarians YouTube channel
- Won ‘Slimming World Man of the Year’ in 2016!

Our chapel
Built in 1872, our chapel was constructed to replace the town’s earlier chapel built in 1814.
The architect, Thomas Worthington, was a Salford-born man who was heavily influenced by his Unitarian upbringing when designing buildings in and around Manchester. Our chapel reflects this, with the simple interior cool and tranquil to convey an almost spiritual feeling of inner peace. Besides worship, a wide range of activities from meetings to concerts take place in the chapel and its adjacent halls, many of which are for the local community.
For donations please use the following:
CAF Bank account name: ‘Dunham Road Unitarian Chapel’ Sort code: 40-52-40, Account number: 00060219
Thank you!